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Discovering Dialogue - In Freedom from the Known

School of the Wisdom

Time (IST)


Event Speaker

Course is free. Donations are welcome.


“To explore, as we are going to do, there must be freedom, not at the end, but right at the beginning. Unless one is free one cannot explore, investigate or examine.”
J Krishnamurti

In this ten day exploration into discovering dialogue, inspired by the teachings of Jiddu Krishnamurti, we will explore the workings of the mind. We will look at how our beliefs, opinions, thoughts and conclusions limit, distort and fragment perception, dividing us from one another and destroying relationship.

The intention of this workshop is not to feed the mind with theories and explanations but instead to encourage a true and honest exploration into the nature of oneself - an exploration in Freedom From The Known.

Each day, through dialogue, we will focus on a particular theme that either J Krishnamurti or another well known educator has written and spoken about. We will also examine the nature of dialogue itself to discover whether or not dialogue has its source in the quietness of a listening, meditative mind.

It is hoped that by the end of this workshop participants will have discovered a passion for both enquiry and dialogue.

Recommended reading

The Art of Dialogue Prof. P. Krishna
The First and Last Freedom Chapter 1 J Krishnamurti
Ojai 1st Question & Answer Meeting 14th May 1985
The introduction to as far as the first question is relevant to  our discovering of dialogue.
On Dialogue - D Bohm


Mr Paul Smith has been involved with the teachings of J Krishnamurti for over 25 years. He lives in the UK where he runs regular dialogue groups.
Paul is passionate about dialogue and believes that it offers the potential to bring us into an intimate and direct contact with reality free from the burden of the past. He has a deep interest in the nature of consciousness and how the psychological images that we form about ourselves and others, divide us from one another.

What is provided

Accommodation is provided during the event duration. Meals are optionally provided. Sign up for accommodation