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The Meditative Brain, a Challenge to the Digital Revolution

SOW 2018 Jan

Time (IST)


Event Speaker

Course is free. Donations are welcome.


"The Meditating Brain, a Challenge of the Digital Revolution" is a seminar about our nervous system, how our brain processes information and creates our reality. Using a reductionist approach we will study the neurons; the sense organs; the brain, it's structures and the different areas of the cortex; consciousness and self - awareness; memory; meta cognition; the development of the nervous system of animals and the Homo Sapiens brain. How our brain processes the information in digital and analog modes. We attempt to bridge science and philosophy, and some of the subjects studied by Theosophy in interactive discussions. The creative brain, holistic, artistic, intelligent, is a challenge to the digital revolution. The urgency of creating a radically New Culture for mankind.

Recommended reading: will be given after registration


Dr José Foglia MD graduated in 1979 as a doctor from the Medical School of Montevideo, specializing in General Surgery and Hemotherapy. He also studied acupuncture and other health-related therapies. For 5 years he taught Biology and Pathophysiology at The School of Nursing.

He joined the Theosophical Society in 1978 and became interested in the teaching of Jiddu Krishnamurti whom he met on his trips to India. Following these visits he decided to travel to various countries to learn about other cultures and ancient civilizations.

Besides his medical studies, he dedicated his time to studying the link between the psyche and the body, graduating in psychoneuroendocrineimmunology in 2012. He published his monograph 'The Neurophysiology of Meditation'.

From 2002 to 2010 he researched and published a book, 'Homo Lux'. Currently Dr Foglia is working to investigate the human potential and developing a new approach to medicine.

What is provided

Accommodation is provided during the event duration. Meals are optionally provided. Sign up for accommodation