SOW 2024 September
Time (IST)
Event Speaker
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FREE FOR MEMBERS of The Theosophical Society, NON-MEMBERS can access the course by paying a fee of 50 USD or 25 USD (chosen countries) or 2000 INR (India).
Non-members will receive a payment link after fulfilling the application.).
Event pdf
Dates: September 3 until 27 September, Tuesdays and Fridays
Time: 4 PM Paris, 2:00 PM GMT, 7:30 PM IST (India Time)
check your local time
First week
Session 1 – Tuesday September 3rd
- Introduction
- Fundaments
- Philosophical foundations 1
Session 2 – Friday September 6th
- Philosophical foundations 2
- Philosophical foundations 3
- Development of the teaching in various main schools
Second week
Session 3 – Tuesday September 10th
- Development of the teaching outside India
- Abhidharma (Abhidhamma)
- Outstanding historical figures 1
Session 4 – Friday September 13th
- Outstanding historical figures 2
- Practical applications: the flowering of logics and dialogue
- Nagarjuna and Madhyamaka (Madhyamika)
Third week
Session 5 – Tuesday September 17th
- Some other main Mahayana sutras
- The tantric confluence
Session 6 – Friday September 20th
- The real practice – The Paramitas
- The hindrances and the dangers
Fourth week
Session 7 – Tuesday September 24th
- Esoteric aspects 1: The invisible world – The Twelve Nidanas
- Mystic meaning of ‘Bodhisattva’ – The Four Great Vows
Session 8 – Friday September 27th
- Esoteric aspects 2: Arahatship, Initiations, Hierarchies, and Buddhas
- The ‘leaf‘of knowledge and the remaining ‘forest’ to know
Recommended Readings
- The Buddha's Teachings - Walpola Rahula
- The Buddha and his teachings - Narada Maha Thera, Buddhist Publication Society - Kandy - Sri Lanka, 1973
- Buddhism - Christmas Humphreys
- The life of the Buddha - Bhikkhu Nanamoli, Buddhist Publication Society - Kandy - Sri Lanka, 1978
- The Light of Asia - Sir Edwin Arnold, Adyar Centenary Edition, 1982
- Teachings of A Buddhist Monk - Ajahn Sumedho
Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu is a member of the TS in France since 1972. She is a post-graduate in Pharmaceutical Technology. She is former Chairperson of the European Federation of the TS and President of the TS in France. She travels widely to encourage cooperation and promulgate the teachings as well as to share experience in service of the TS. Her main concern is to promote a new way of living where each human life can be guided by universal ethics and the mystic dimension of consciousness.