Linda Oliveira and Pedro Oliveira
LINDA OLIVEIRA is a second-generation Theosophist who joined the Theosophical Society in Australia in 1971 after hearing some talks by the philosopher, J. Krishnamurti. Later, her degree at the Australian National University focused mainly on psychology and political science. She was the National President of the Theosophical Society in Australia, as well as Editor of its national magazine, for a total of sixteen years during two periods, the second of which was completed in January 2021. Linda was the International Vice-President of the Theosophical Society from October 2008 until late 2011, serving two and a half years of this period at Adyar, the Society’s International Headquarters in India, before returning to live in Australia. She has lectured and given study classes for the TS in various countries. Linda holds a strong conviction that a genuine exploration and reflection upon Theosophy, the
Perennial Wisdom, provides to those who are awake and alert the possibility of profound human spiritual transformation.
PEDRO OLIVEIRA joined the Theosophical Society in 1978 and has worked for it in several capacities. He served as the International Secretary at the Society’s International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India, from 1992 to 1996. He worked as Education Coordinator of the TS in Australia, President of the Indo-Pacific Federation of the TS, and
as the Officer-in-charge of the Editorial Office at the International Headquarters. Oliveira has lectured extensively in many countries on the Perennial Wisdom, Spirituality, Mysticism and Comparative Religion. He is the author of N. Sri Ram: A Life of Beneficence and Wisdom (TPH Adyar, 2009), CWL Speaks: C. W. Leadbeater’s Correspondence concerning the 1906 Crisis in the Theosophical Society (2018) and Annie Besant in India (2021). His articles have appeared in a number of the Society’s international journals.