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Event Date Online or Place Category Subject Speaker
- In-Person Cultural
Saraswati Puja
No name
- In-Person Training
North Indian Study Camp, with Tim Boyd
Mr Tim Boyd
- In-Person Cultural
Navarathri - Talk
Sri Hariprasad Swamij
- In-Person School of the Wisdom
2015 School of the Wisdom in Bhowali
Prof. R C Tampi
- In-Person Conference
92nd South India Conference
Several Speakers
- In-Person Convention
Theosophy in a Changing World
Mr Tim Boyd
- In-Person School of the Wisdom
Self-Transformation and the Spiritual Life
Vicente Hao Chin Jr
- In-Person School of the Wisdom
The Voice of the Silence
Prof. R C Tampi
- At Adyar Campus Convention
New Mind for a New World
Mr Tim Boyd
- In-Person Convention
New Mind for a New World
Mr Tim Boyd
- In-Person School of the Wisdom
The Mahatma - on Discipleship
Prof. R C Tampi
- In-Person Convention
The Present Shapes the Future
Mr Tim Boyd
- In-Person Convention
Regenerating Practical Brotherhood
Mr Tim Boyd
- In-Person Convention
Theosophical Teachings on the Path
Mr Tim Boyd
- In-Person School of the Wisdom
Theosophy and its Practical Implications
Mr Colin Price
- In-Person Convention
Science and Spirituality in the light of Theosophy
Mr Tim Boyd